Traveling Back in Time. Is it even possible?

How easy it is to travel back in Time? 

Have you made a mistake you want to desperately correct? Could we possibly correct our mistakes? Is it possible to go back in time and redefine your present? If the answer is yes then how could it be really possible. To all those "Interstellar" obsessed people searching out the ways to travel in time, there is a good news and congratulations we actually know somethings which would help us in our missions along with the Challenges (solvable) and drawbacks time travel brings along. 

                                   Image courtesy: Science News

To the ones who haven't identified, this is a wormhole a theoretical portal present in the space that has both entry and exit points just below one another. Lets consider an example, if a book is fully opened and two dots are marked with a pencil of both the opposite pages the distance between the two dots is a large distance to cover for lets say an ant, but now if the pages are curved co that the two dots coincide to one another the vast distance is minimized at large and so has the time for our ant to reach from one do to another. This is what a worm hole does, as some scientists consider time as 4th Dimension wormhole tends to bend it in such a curve and if a person, spacecraft or any object travels from one end to another, the person reaches from his present time (the entry of the portal wormhole) to the exit (the other end) which would be the time when the wormhole was formed. Voila!! you just went to the past.


1. It is believed that wormholes are extremely small for a person to pass through it let alone the space craft, though it is believed that with the advent to technology there could be some measures through which the wormhole could be enlarged.

2. The Grandfather paradox: Lets take an example of grandfather paradox. An imaginary person "X" goes through a wormhole and reaches a time where his grandfather is about to get married, but X fires a shot from his gun and instantly kills his grandfather. So how is X even born? and if he isn't born who fired the shot? 

3. With some powerful telescope which were able to discover a galaxy billions of light years away, we were not able to find a wormhole which are believe could exist ever further and out of our observable universe. Finding them is still a real challenge.

Though there are challenges, but we should never forget there was a time when humans used stones to light fire, traveled on foot for months to reach a specific location, not to forget the time when mobiles were just beyond imaginations and no one though we could just connect on video calls to person sitting in a different continent. Time is so powerful and so is the development of human minds, there would be an era where people would think that why couldn't we in the 21st century figure out how easy it was just to build a simple technology and reach our destinations in just a blink of an eye, the person could be just anyone of us. Lets hope we get to see this as a reality one day. 
